Lockergnome and ass… (well, not anymore…)

Well instead of sending a little note saying, “hey, do you by chance have an ad-blocker running?” and pointing out my mistake, Chris Pirillo made a (surprise!) sarcastic remark… I don’t even remember the last time I visited a site that looked like ass because I blocked the ads on their page. Oh Well. For those of you who use Safari, Firefox, Mozilla, or any other browser you can use a custom stylesheet with, check out userContent.css if you want to take control of your browsing experience.

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WordPress Wiki – Tabbed Sidebar

[WordPress Wiki – Tabbed Sidebar][1] [1]: Sidebar

Disinfotainment: Free Spam Filtering for MacOS X

[Disinfotainment: Free Spam Filtering for MacOS X][1] Free Spam Filtering for MacOS X: How To Do It – Version 1.5 [1]:

deleting files with find

To delete files matching *searchstring*, use the following: user# find . -name "*searchstring*" -exec rm {} ; Probably a good idea to run it without -exec rm {} ; first to see what you’d be deleting. Oh, and the space after the {} really is important – the command won’t do anything unless it’s there…

gmail swap: send me an invite

[gmail swap: the swaps][1]

ryanschwartz offers “4 pounds of my excellent fudge”

Well, Morgan came through – here’s a pic of the fudge I’m sending… 🙂

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Rebuilding Ethernet drivers on a DL360 GL2

Quick notes for updating the bcm5700 driver on RedHat EL3 after updating the kernel…

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Fedora Myth(TV)ology :: Welcome

[Fedora Myth(TV)ology :: Welcome][1] Getting MythTV running on Fedora – couldn’t get much more focused than that, huh? Pretty cool… [1]:

new vlan setup on redhat el3

create a startup script in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts, using another vlan’d interface as a template (ifcfg-ethX.vlan) create a routing table in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts, using another vlan’d route as a template (route-ethX.vlan) add the new route to /etc/iproute2/rt_tables using an unused table number (name needs to match what you specified your routing table) ifup the interface and ping it to be sure everything works (hint: make sure your switch has tagged the packets for

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DSpam Configs for Mac OS X Server

This is a Mac OS X specific setup so that Server Admin doesn’t trample your configs if you ever make any changes (the cyrus part anyway, even though we’re not really using a cyrus delivery from postfix…)

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