half-baked: database driven weblogs and caching
[http://philringnalda.com/blog/2002/11/halfbaked_and_a_little_fried.php][1] [1]: http://philringnalda.com/blog/2002/11/halfbaked_and_a_little_fried.php
[http://philringnalda.com/blog/2002/11/halfbaked_and_a_little_fried.php][1] [1]: http://philringnalda.com/blog/2002/11/halfbaked_and_a_little_fried.php
Here’s a neat bit of code that, when embedded in a webpage, will pop all links into a new window when the form box is checked: <script language="JavaScript"<!-- // thanks to randomwalks.com for this code function targetLinks(boNew) { if (boNew) where = "_blank"; else where = "_self"; for (var i=0; i< =(document.links.length-1); i++) { document.links[i].target = where; } } // -- </script <form name="targeter" <input type="checkbox" name="targetbox" id="tcheck" onclick="targetLinks(this.checked);" <label
Continue Reading »[Here’s a link][1] to the software that many of us have been searching for. It does what uControl does for your trackpad and scrolling, without the bothersome key modifier. [1]: http://www.ragingmenace.com/software/sidetrack/
here’s a synopsis of what I’ve found, and how I got things working as desired (I know there are others in similar situations with VLAN that might find this useful)
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